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No. of Students: Established on 16th Sept. 2009 Inaugural Ceremony on 8th Jan. 2010 IEEE Student Branch Code: 04301Affiliations:IEEE Student Branch (Active) IEEE Computer Society Students Chapter (Approved) May 2010 IEEE Women In Engineering Students Affinity Group (Approved) May 2010
S. No.YearNo of Student
Faculty Coordinators:
  1. IEEE Student Branch Advisor: Dr. Sanjay Bansal
IEEE Student Branch Office Bearers
S. No.PostName of Student
1ChairpersonMr. Siddharth Sharma
2Vice ChairpersonMs. Pooja Patidar
3SecretaryMr. Prafull Kumar Soni
4TreasurerMr. Viraj Ghodgaonkar
Session: Year 2010-2012
Activity Performed First National Conference on Software Engineering & Information Security on 23rd 24th Oct.2009. Two Days workshop on Robotics on 21st 22nd Nov. 2009 in association with IIT Kanpur & Technophilia Mumbai. Two Days workshop on Information Security & Ethical Hacking on 9th 10th Jan 2010 in association with Innobuzz Knowledge Solutions, New Delhi. One Day Expert Talk on Software Engineering & Project Management on 26th March 2010 in association with Knowledge Plexus, Pune. One Day Expert Talk on Google Androids & Mobile Computing by Experts from Google, USA. Third National Level Tech-Fest Armageddon’10 organized on 5th 6th May 2010.

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Code of Ethics Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research IEEE Student Branch

I <<Name>>, <<Post>> of the Acropolis Institute of Technology & Research – IEEE Student Branch, in recognition of the importance of our responsibilities in affecting the overall development of myself and fellow members, as a member of IEEE and its AITR Student Branch, do hereby commit myself to the highest ethical and professional conduct and agree:
To accept responsibility in making decisions consistent with the professional growth of branch and its members.
To avoid real or perceived conflicts of interest whenever possible, and to disclose them to affected parties when they do exist.
To be honest and realistic in stating claims or estimates based on available data.
To improve the understanding of technology, its appropriate application, and potential consequences.
To maintain and improve our technical competence and to undertake technological tasks for others only if qualified by training or experience, or after full disclosure of pertinent limitations.
To seek, accept, and offer honest criticism of technical work, to acknowledge and correct errors, and to credit properly the contributions of others.
To treat fairly all persons regardless of such factors as race, religion, gender, disability, age, or national origin.
To avoid injuring others, their property, reputation, or employment by false or malicious action.
As social obligations I will resist and work to abolish social ill practices like bribery

The enthusiastic and keen apprentices of our institution took the initiative to establish a theme of technical wing in the college.

IEEE, the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology, through its Student Branch, approved the same and came into existence in our college on 16th Sept 2009.It started with 22 Active members. As time exceeded, more and more students came into its focus and got willing to carry forward the student branch. A pre-inaugural activity on 21st & 22nd Nov 2009 with world’s esteemed organization IIT Kanpur, in association with Technophilia Mumbai was held. It was a Robotics workshop conducted under the supervision of experts from Technophilia, Mumbai.

The formal inauguration of IEEE Student Branch ensued on 8th Jan 2010. The program witnessed the presence of very eminent personalities like Prof M. M. Shah, IEEE Student Activity Chairman, Bombay section and IEEE-Technical Activity Chairman R-10, Asia Pacific with Dr. M. Chandwani, Chairman IEEE- MP Subsection and Director, IET DAVV, Indore.

Oath ceremony took place for the fair conduct and recognition of members’ duties towards IEEE Student Branch. Badges awarded to office bearers for the post

Student Branch Counselor : Prof Preety Jain
Student Branch Chairperson : Mr. Siddharth Sharma
Vice Chairperson : Ms. Pooja Patidar
Secretary : Mr. Prafull Kumar Soni
Treasurer : Mr. Viray Ghodgaonkar

The inauguration ceremony was followed by the workshop on Information Security & Ethical Hacking on 9th-10th January 2010, organized with Innobuzz Knowledge Solutions, New Delhi. In this eminent speaker of Innobuzz Mr. Ishan Girdhar who successfully and thoroughly served the task.

To serve the students with the concepts of Software Engineering & Project Management IEEE Student Branch organized a one day expert talk in association with Knowledge Plexus, Pune. In this the experts from industry Mr. Amarish Kanungo Sr. HR Manager Global Logic Inc. Pune and Mr. Dilip Pandya Sr. Software Engineer CSC Indore delivers the lecture on Project Management planning, analysis and design. This lecture guide students for their project work & its deployment.

IEEE Student Branch organized Armageddon’10, The Third National Level Technical Festival on 5th – 6th May 2010. In this various technical & non technical activities were organized like Paper Presentation, Project Competition, On Line Treasure Hunt, Real Time Problem Solving, Robo War, Robo Soccer, Robo Race, Eco Mansion, GRE Mock Test, Mock Campus, Programming Contest, IT Quiz & many more.

In the inaugural ceremony, Dr. M. Chandwani, Chairman IEEE MP Subsection, Fellow CSI and Director IET DAVV announced “This is very active IEEE Student Branch in the region”, creates glory of IEEE students members for their keen interests in IEEE related activities.

IEEE Student Branch has its firm plans for further such activities. There are currently 63 Active IEEE Student Members. IEEE student branch has its firm plans for further such activities like workshops/Symposium at national and international level.

IEEE: Fostering Technological Innovations for the Benefits of Humanity.